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Registration Info

Why have we switched to an on-line Registration System?

By using Blue Sombrero, you only need to enter your contact information one time. From there you can register multiple children for multiple programs and only go through the check out process once.
Plus, Blue Sombrero uses, one of the most secure payment processing programs on the web. This allows us to process credit card payments online.
Also, Blue Sombrero provides email and text messaging communication outlets. That means if we happen to lose power or have to cancel a practice due to weather reasons, we can let you know by email and text message simultaneously.


Is this new system costing us anything in the end?

No! We have not adjusted any of our program prices due to the implementation of Blue Sombrero. In fact, Dick's Sporting Goods is offering the system to our club completely FREE as a sponsorship! The only thing they wish in return is to send all registrants an email welcoming them to Blue Sombrero and providing Dick's Sporting Goods coupons which will continue to be sent periodically through the year. If you wish to unsubscribe from their offers, you have to option to do this in the very first email you receive. We get a great new registration system and Dick's gets more product exposure - Win/Win!


Registration Instructions

You may begin your registration at any time. All players must registered via the on-line registration system. If you encounter problems or have any questions, please send an email to

At the MYSA website, you will see "Register" and "Login" in the upper right hand corner. You will first need to select "Register" to setup a new account. The new user id should be the parent and not the player. Please save your use rid and password as it will be used again next year to register. Detailed steps to register are outlined below.

The on-line registration process will include creating the primary user (parent), secondary parent information, adding individual information for each player, emergency contacts, a medical release, and volunteer opportunities. All required information will be notated with an asterisk (*) otherwise the field is optional. Based on your child's entered birth date, a list of available divisions for that age will be presented. Select the

desired division and follow steps to proceed to checkout. Throughout the checkout process, each player will be charged a $50 for registration. We appreciate any time you are willing to volunteer. We need volunteers as coaches, assistant coaches and help with concessions and games the evening of July 22, 2019 for our U14 Champion Cup night.  Registration is open from February 1, 2019 to March 31, 2019. No late registration will be available.

Steps to Register


1.   Click on the Register button in the top right-hand corner of the Home page and complete the information for New Customer Primary Contact.  


2.   After you have completed the information, click Create a New Account.


3.   On the next screen, complete the Primary Contact Information and Secondary Parent/Guardian Information. Click Continue.


4.   On the next screen, you will select which best describes you. Here are the choices:

▪    If you want to eventually register your children, select PARENT or Guardian registering a player.

▪    If you don’t have children in the program, but you would like to volunteer as a coach or in some other capacity, select TEAM COACH/TEAM PERSONNEL


5.    If you have children, then on the next screen you will complete the “Add A New Participant” for your 1st child that is eligible to play with MYSA .  After you enter the information for your first child select “Add a New Participant” at the bottom to enter in additional participant information for additional children. Click Continue after you have registered all players.


6.    On the next screen you will see Registration Notes and Programs Available.  Please register each of your children for the appropriate programs. It's really important that you select the correct program that is connected to the child you are registering. Click Continue after ensuring that all children are selected for a program division.


7.    You will now be on the screen, Additional Program Information.  We gather Emergency contact information and you will need to read the medical information and sign the medical waiver. Additional Program and Divisions Questions will need to be completed at the bottom of the page. After completion, click Continue.


8. On the next screen, Volunteer options, you will have the opportunity to select a particular job for which you would like to volunteer.  If you want to help out in any way needed, then select Volunteer and complete the required information. Click Continue after completion.


9.    You will advance to Registration Summary.  This screen will allow you to remove any selections before you check out.  This screen will display the registration summary and fees and also an order summary on the right hand side of the screen. If there are no changes click Continue.


10. On the next page you will have the opportunity to Donate to MYSA. Enter in dollar amount of donation or click the box to not donate at this time. Click Continue.


11.  The next screen is Payment Information.  Complete this page by entering in credit card information. Please note that we only accept MasterCard/Visa. Click Continue to finalize registration. Note that credit card charges will come from “Blue Sombrero”.


12. Registration is complete. The league will send further information at a later date such as practice schedules and team assignments. 

Medford Youth Soccer Association

PO Box 293 
Medford, Wisconsin 54451
Phone : 715-965-4008
Email : [email protected]
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